Thursday, September 22, 2011

Netiquette and Cyber-Bullying.

Year 6:   Identify and consistently follow online etiquette (netiquette)
Year 10: Identify appropriate codes of conduct for ICT communications

Click on the image to enlarge

In a nutshell: Two very short videos to watch, then a test.

Now, take the test by clicking HERE.

You may want to refer to the videos while you're doing the test.

The password for the test is checklist (all lower case).  Same password as last time.  It will be the password for all the tests.

These videos have been sourced from
and are used with the permission of Kids Help Line.
The videos and associated lesson plans were sent to all NW schools by Optus in June of this year. You should be able to find them in your library on a USB drive that looks like the picture.

If you can't find the USB drive, then all the files can be downloaded from the link above.

LATE NEWS - Competition - Closes Friday 30th September.

At the Kids Help Line site I found a competition with prizes of iPhones and iPads.  All students have to do is say "in 50 words or less how you would reduce cyberbullying in your school or where you live".